Carpet Cleaning Jumpstart Blog

Learn How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Business

An educational blog aimed at helping entrepreneurs and carpet cleaning professionals start and succeed in the carpet cleaning industry. In-depth articles about business, marketing, mindset, and more.

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Blog Articles:

10 Common Expenses for Every Carpet Cleaning Business To Consider

10 Common Expenses for Every Carpet Cleaning Business To Consider

There are countless different ways to start, grow and run a successful carpet cleaning businesses.  If you’re going to be successful, it’s important to understand the most common expenses for newbies that transcend across all the different business models. In most...
The One Thing People in Carpet Cleaning Fail To Do…

The One Thing People in Carpet Cleaning Fail To Do…

There is one thing that almost every single carpet cleaner fails to do that unfortunately delivers many problems and eventually leads to failure. They think completely backwards when it comes to the type of business that they are actually in.  Carpet Cleaners think...
The One Thing Carpet Cleaners Waste Time On

The One Thing Carpet Cleaners Waste Time On

In our fast-paced, technology driven society most everyone wastes time in the exact same fashion, carpet cleaners are no different or special in this regard.  We all have the exact same number of hours in each day, nobody has an extra hour and no one is short-changed....
How to Name Your Carpet Cleaning Business

How to Name Your Carpet Cleaning Business

Many people won’t ever get past reading the name of a business – and a list of names is often times the very first thing people read and consider when looking for a carpet cleaner. The name you choose for your business can make a huge impact on whether people...
Why Do Carpet Cleaning Businesses Fail?

Why Do Carpet Cleaning Businesses Fail?

You’ve probably become very aware of the commonly announced statistic that, “80% of all startup companies fail in their first year,” or similar sensational numbers.  I’m a huge fan of statistics and data, but also understand that most of the time, we don’t get all the...
The ONE Thing People in Carpet Cleaning Need to Know

The ONE Thing People in Carpet Cleaning Need to Know

Successful carpet cleaning businesses are mostly concerned with things other than the actual cleaning. Sure, the right chemistry, equipment, and tools can make a huge difference in your company’s ability to outperform and outshine your peers in the industry.  But, you...