Carpet Cleaning Community

A Community of Experts

The mission of Carpet Cleaning Jumpstart is to publish insightful and helpful content to help you learn the carpet cleaning business as well as cultivate a community that is welcoming, and that makes a positive impact on your carpet cleaning business.

We want to help you launch and grow your business, find customers, achieve success, find profitability, and make a great living working for yourself!

For us, this mission started with curating a community of carpet cleaning pros who can help answer your questions, give you encouragement, help you focus on the right things, and teach lessons that usually take years to learn. The community is established and growing – join us to connect with your peers in the industry, elevate your business acumen, and help you easily answer the tough questions.

Whether you haven’t started yet or you’ve been in business for a few years, you can start making improvements and learn how to run a successful carpet cleaning business today! The first step is to join our community by signing up for our email list. After you’ve signed up you’ll receive an email inviting you to join our exclusive closed Facebook group.

Free Revenue Projection Worksheet

By joining our email list, you will also get access to our exclusive revenue projection worksheet tailored to the carpet cleaning and floor care industry. One of the most important things to understand when you’re first starting up is your business cash flow, and how many jobs you will need to book on average to cover your expenses and make a profit. Many carpet cleaners overlook the financials – don’t be one of them!

sneak peak of the revenue projection worksheet

Sign Up Now

Joining our community begins with signing up for our email list. We will send occasional announcements, special invitations, and other helpful information & insights. We sincerely look forward to meeting you. You can sign up with the form below:

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